Creative Sparks
Creative Sparks provides tools, guidance and soul inspiration about once a week to:
Ignite and sustain your creativity • Identify and realize your heart’s true dreams • Live a life of passion, purpose and deep play
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The Power of Creative Community
When I was in my senior year of college, a group of ten improvising musicians miraculously came together. We called ourselves the Relentless Compassion Orchestra. Many nights a week, we would meet to improvise and create pieces together. In an old barn on the...
My Favorite Books of 2022
This past year was a particularly difficult one to narrow down my favorite books of the year to just ten. There were so many good books! I read 49 books this past year, plus parts of quite a few others, plus six more I read aloud with my husband. I could easily have...
9 Excellent Reasons to Make Art
Making art is a profoundly good thing to do with your time. It makes our world a better place. Yet almost all artists struggle with doubt about whether what they are doing is worthwhile. Many of us have also been told that when we are making art, we're doing something...
On Generosity: Sacred Key to Abundance and Joy
At the start of 2020, I chose generosity as my word of the year, not knowing consciously what we were in for globally that year. Or rather, the word chose me. I started this essay back then, exploring how generosity can enlarge me as an artist and human being, and I...
Make Your Art in Ten Minutes a Day
In January, I decided to take on the challenge of writing every day for ten minutes for a month. My creative schedule for years has been four days a week for two or more hours at a time. I keep this schedule religiously, and it works well for me. So, why did I take on...
Just Say No to Distractions to Create a Life You Love
I have been on a roll lately, getting things done that are important to me. Taking on my big dreams and big projects, the ones that have been languishing, being avoided, or moving so slowly. To move forward in a concerted way toward what matters most to me, toward...
2022 My Year in Review
What a year 2022 was, hard and strange, and way too fast. And yet, many beautiful blessings happened too. Significant movement toward long-held dreams. The only reason I can make progress toward my dreams in such a crazy world is because, every year, I engage in a...
Planting Dream Seeds for the New Year
Last night my women’s group did a ritual for the new year, one in which we uncovered our dream seeds. We each released an old pattern that we are ready to let go, something that has been hindering us. We danced and shrieked, yelped and shook to let it go. And we were...
Six Things to Inspire Your Heart and Feed Your Soul
For my beloved patrons on Patreon, I regularly share posts about What's Inspiring Me Now. These are wide-ranging and are meant to offer patrons new sources of juicy inspiration they might want to tap into. Today, I thought I'd share this on my own blog for all to...
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