Artist’s Way Online

The Artist’s Way:
A 90-day Journey to Unleash the Artist Within & Discover Your Brilliant Life

Are you yearning for more creativity, joy, and fulfillment?
Do you feel blocked from fully expressing your gifts?
Do you have big dreams but struggle to make them a reality?
Are you in transition and seeking your next inspired steps?
Discover, uncover, recover, and fully unleash your creativity, passion, and joy in this powerful, life-changing course based on the bestselling book The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, which has sold over 2 million copies worldwide.
For creative people of all kinds, you will uncover your unique gifts and passions, discover what’s calling you now, transform what holds you back both in life and art, and develop a positive relationship with yourself and your creativity that empowers you to create a life you love.
Together we form a strong, supportive group in which we nourish each other’s dreams, resolving what keeps us from fully expressing the creative, alive beings we truly are.
Find out why so many artists name The Artist’s Way as being pivotal to their creative careers and lives. Don’t let another year go by!
Join me for an extraordinary journey.

Whether or not you think of yourself as an artist…
Whether you are a professional artist, a devoted amateur (a word that means “lover”), or consider yourself a novice—whether you love painting, music, dancing, writing, filmmaking, weaving, cooking, or any other form of creative expression—or are longing for more inspiration, passion, and joy in your life, this course teaches extraordinary tools for a lifetime of empowered creative living.
As one student said, this Artist’s Way course should really be called “The Wholeness Way for All Humans.”
If you are feeling uninspired or unsure of your next steps, unable to realize the dreams you have for yourself and your life, finding yourself stuck in limiting patterns or carrying old wounds, or wanting more delight, ease, fulfillment, and creative expansion now…
This Artist’s Way course is for you!

This process under Max’s brilliant, masterful, guidance took me to places over a decade of deep spiritual work had not.
It is not about “art” — it is about finding and unlocking the deepest YOU. Please do not wait or wonder or hem and haw! DO THIS! You will not regret it. Max’s work with this is a precious gift to the world…and to you.”
– Andi Tilmann, founder and director of Loving Beyond Understanding

“I am stunned.….So much is flowing and changing in my life in ways that are huge and powerful and empowering, and it’s happening with a grace and generosity and goodness and harmony that I could never have predicted. I feel like I have everything that I need for a rich and full and satisfying life and I thank you with all my heart.”
– Kathy McKeough

You are a master facilitator, Max, and one of the most compassionate, intelligent, and creative teachers I’ve ever encountered. I feel so fortunate to not only have had this opportunity, but to have had the dumb luck or intuitive presence of heart to seize it with both hands. I feel like the course brought me back from a long sojourn in the desert — I was dry and parched and now I’m fully hydrated with creative ideas, tips and tools, and even a Dreamcatcher. Thank you!”
– Eleanor Vincent, award-winning author

The Artist’s Way Online
This Artist’s Way course is offered through a small group, highly interactive, live online format that gives you deep individual support for your creative dreams.
You will experience the potent transformation and deep camaraderie that can only happen in this kind of small group.
I bring twenty years of experience, facilitating this course, and a wealth of supportive teachings and tools that you will not find anywhere else. That’s why students who have done The Artist’s Way before consistently say that they never received nearly as much from the course as they do in my classes.

How it works
Classes are limited to 12 participants and are held on Zoom. These are deeply interactive, lively, varied, engaging classes where we also often meet in small breakout groups.
You will need
- A computer with a webcam and microphone (or, less ideal, a tablet)
- To be in a quiet, private place for our classes
- To be able to participate fully with audio and video on
- To be able to receive emailed communications each week
- It’s helpful, but not essential, to have a printer for handouts
♥ Our weekly classes combine life-changing, whole-body learning… We’ll dive deep into the chapter and themes for the week, and you will be guided through powerful processes to help you unleash your creative gifts and transform limiting beliefs and patterns.
♥ …and deep support. Ask questions, share breakthroughs and challenges, and receive individual support. I teach extraordinary tools not found in the book to powerfully enhance what the book offers, and I work with each of you on your dreams and challenges.
♥ A private online forum fosters connection and provides encouragement and inspiration. How much you choose to interact on the forum is up to you.
♥ Inspiring and rich homeplay each week guides you to your unique artistry and heart path and shows you how to create the life you desire.
♥ All classes are recorded and available for you to watch or listen to within 24 hours after the session, so that if you miss a session, you can still tune in. However, it is important that you be able to attend almost all of the sessions live. If you know you will have to miss more than two, now is not the time to sign up for this course.

You’ll experience the profound support, magic, and extraordinary benefits that are only possible in a group of this kind. There is an exceptional power in a small, devoted group that creates unprecedented transformation in a very short time. Many of my students report that they got far more from this 90-day course than they did in years of therapy, personal growth work, and spiritual courses.
I am committed to you receiving the profound transformation and openings that so many have gotten from this course. Therefore, you are expected to attend the sessions in person each week—though it is understandable if you have to miss one or two—to listen to the recordings of any session you miss, and to engage in the homeplay.
Dates and Times:
Tuesdays 2:30 – 5:30 PST
March 11 – June 3
(find out when that is in your time zone here:
NOTE: If the day and time don’t work for you, email me here.
We may have enough interest for a second group at a different time.
You Receive
- 13 live 3-hour class sessions in a small group with tons of individual attention
- Recordings of all sessions to keep in your library forever
- PDFs of handouts throughout the course to guide and deepen your experience
- Participation in our private online Forum where students have formed lasting friendships and received profound support and inspiration

Sign up by February 15 and receive $100 discount off the regular price of the course!

“It was incredibly powerful, fun, and inspiring. It was one of the most profoundly moving and meaningful things I’ve done in my life. The teacher is Maxima Kahn, and she is truly brilliant at creating the conditions for people’s creativity to come out of hiding and really blossom.
If I could, I would personally pay for every one of my friends to take this course — it can be a life-changer. If you or anyone you know is looking for creative fulfillment, or is in transition and wondering what is next, or has a creative project they can’t start, or can’t finish, or just wants to open themselves up for some fun and inspiration and exploration of their creativity in any form, this course is a very powerful way to meet those needs. I highly recommend it.”
– Carol F., writer and artist

“I hadn’t completed a song in five years prior to starting in with the group, but, during the course of the program, I ended up writing several new songs and gaining confidence that I’ll be able to come up with more pretty much anytime I set my mind to it.“
—Jon Lavigne, musician

“The course was much juicier and impactful than I’d even hoped. It feels really life-changing for me. Not only has it given me gobs of insight into what keeps me from creating, it’s also given me the ability to move forward in my work finally, to start writing stories again, to begin (again) exploring movement and voice. And above all to believe that doing that work is, in fact, …brave, honorable, essential. So thanks Max. You were fabulous. I was blown away by your ability to lean on people, encourage them, tease out the problems, stoke the fires, help people get on with it. You’re really really good at this and I feel incredibly lucky to have stumbled upon the class.”
– L.B.

“When I signed up for this course, I was hoping to increase my determination to develop a very successful play that would educate, entertain, and inspire audiences who would experience it.… I have accomplished my goal of putting together a script to be proud of!… I’ve become more self-confident in my writing. I’ve become braver in reaching out to people I want to collaborate with. I am happier! I’ve been more willing to try new things, to attend more workshops on writing, to be willing to perform on stage again. I understand that people will accept me and my work, when I accept that it is worthy to present. I feel a great exultancy in having this confidence in myself. I also have noticed a lot of generous offers coming my way to assist my project/s to be successful. I see nods of approval, offers of money to support it, enthusiasm to reflect my enthusiasm. This is brand new for me.”
—Judith Partelow, Poet, Playwright, Actress
If you have questions…
Contact me here. We can setup a time to chat and explore whether this is right for you at this time. No pressure.
Who This Course Is Not For
- If you do not have time or energy to devote to the practices. There is a daily journal practice and weekly reading and homeplay that are a key part of this course. Some weeks you’ll have more time to devote and others less, but you need to be able to devote a few hours (in addition to daily journaling) to the course each week.
- If you are unable to attend the classes live online. Our sessions are highly interactive. You need to be able to attend the classes online, arrive on time, and stay for the full session. It is normal to miss a couple of sessions—please be sure to listen to the recordings when you miss—but if you already know you will have to miss more than two sessions, this is not the right time for you to take this journey.
- If you are unable to participate fully. You will need to be in a private, quiet place, free of distractions for our sessions, have your camera on, and be willing to share authentically with the group.
- If the cost of the course would present a significant financial hardship for you. If that is the case, this is not the right time to do the course.

Class size is limited to 12 participants. I encourage you to register now to ensure your spot.
First, read these important notes: Registration is non-refundable.
If you attend the classes and decide before the start of the third week that it is not for you, you will be refunded your full payment less $150 processing fee. After that, there are no refunds for any reason, due to the small class size.
By registering, you are agreeing to these terms.
You will need to purchase a copy of The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron (2nd edition or later) as well as a blank journal for this course. I will send you instructions after you register.
Select your option below to pay in 1 installment (best price) or 3 monthly installments.
NOTE: As a form of reparations, we offer a 25% discount for BIPOC. Email me here to receive that discount.
Option 1:
Pay in full – $897 $797
Save $100 if you register by February 15!
Option 2:
Pay in 3 monthly installments of $333 $299
Save $102 if you register by February 15!
By selecting this option you are entering into a binding agreement to make the 3 monthly payments (which will be automatically deducted from your account), regardless of whether or not you complete the course.

“Don’t wait until conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect. This is what got me to decide that now was the time to look into my heart and rediscover the flickering flame of JOY that once was mine in abundance. I wanted and needed my life to be recharged with passion, purpose and playfulness.
And the Artist’s Way course helped me embrace the glorious mess that I am, to love me as I am becoming, and to find some tools that will keep the joy alive in my heart and life. It’s a power-filled 3 month journey of discovery, growth, creativity, clarity, and joyfulness found in the soul searching done with a small group of friends, in the making.
I am so grateful for our small intimate group, who trusted in the powers of the universe, to take the risk and walk this journey together in search of inner peace and joy and clarity in living our creative dreams.”
– Mary D.

“I feel that I approach life much more creatively and in a more lighthearted fashion. I definitely feel like I am more liberated by a familiar barrage of false beliefs while I am creating. I am really engaged with what it means for me to have a more expansive approach to being creative and to living. I feel like I have so many more ways of keeping myself open to what is wanting to come through when it wants to com through now.
Absolutely some of the best personal nourishment treat and deep heart work that I’ve ever done! I’m recommending it to everyone. My life has been dramatically changed because of this class and I am certain that Maxima is one of the most gifted channels for this profound work. Maxima adds so much transformational mentoring and rich guided meditation practice that the class’ value exceeds quantification and transcends qualification! I love this experience!!”
– Michael Aiello, visual artist and musician

“I had done this course several times over the years, but Max’s skilled guidance made it much more effective than in the past. Her know-how helped me through blocks that I had carried over many years. I highly recommend this opportunity to anyone who longs for more creative freedom and commitment to their artistic dreams.”
– Franzi Talley, visual artist