by Maxima Kahn | Oct 22, 2021 | Creative Sparks, Dream Creation, Inspired Creativity, Soulful Living
Recently, I suffered a big disappointment. It felt like a physical blow to the chest. I was reeling with pain and shock. In a moment I will share what happened and the six steps I took to recover from it. It is important to deal with disappointments in a good way, so...
by Maxima Kahn | Sep 9, 2021 | Creative Sparks, Dream Creation, Inspired Creativity
Would you love to write or paint or play guitar every day? Would you like to kindle a meditation practice? Or a gratitude practice? Or a new eating habit? Do you keep procrastinating on a project you want to complete? Writing that book, cleaning out your closet,...
by Maxima Kahn | Jun 24, 2021 | Dream Creation, Soulful Living
“I learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.― Henry David Thoreau Every Monday I draw a card...
by Maxima Kahn | Jan 14, 2021 | Creative Sparks, Dream Creation, Soulful Living
Have you named dreams, intentions or desires for the year ahead? Have you sat down to connect with soul-inspired vision? Or does that all feel hopeless in the light of the upheaval of our times? How can we possibly plan? Why bother? When you take the time to connect...
by Maxima Kahn | Aug 13, 2020 | Creative Sparks, Dream Creation, Inspired Creativity, Soulful Living
What constitutes a good day? One in which everything on the to do list is checked off as planned? Or one in which I went with the flow and did whatever I most desire? Which one leads to a day in which I fully lived, tasted, loved? The answer might seem obvious, but...
by Maxima Kahn | Jan 9, 2020 | Creative Sparks, Dream Creation, Soulful Living
This is my 2019 Year in Review. I encourage you to do your own. This is a good time of year to pause and reflect. When we take time to harvest the outgoing year, we help pave the way for a heart-centered, soul-aligned year to come. Make note of the highlights of the...