by Maxima Kahn | Jan 18, 2023 | Creative Sparks, Dream Creation, Inspired Creativity, Soulful Living
I have been on a roll lately, getting things done that are important to me. Taking on my big dreams and big projects, the ones that have been languishing, being avoided, or moving so slowly. To move forward in a concerted way toward what matters most to me, toward... by Maxima Kahn | Jan 10, 2023 | Creative Sparks, Dream Creation, Inspired Creativity, Soulful Living
What a year 2022 was, hard and strange, and way too fast. And yet, many beautiful blessings happened too. Significant movement toward long-held dreams. The only reason I can make progress toward my dreams in such a crazy world is because, every year, I engage in a... by Maxima Kahn | Jan 4, 2023 | Creative Sparks, Dream Creation, Soulful Living
Last night my women’s group did a ritual for the new year, one in which we uncovered our dream seeds. We each released an old pattern that we are ready to let go, something that has been hindering us. We danced and shrieked, yelped and shook to let it go. And we were... by Maxima Kahn | Aug 24, 2022 | Creative Sparks, Dream Creation, Inspired Creativity, Soulful Living
My friend Curt died a couple of weeks ago. I learned about it on Facebook and was stunned. Curt was a heart-centered, caring soul and helped me in many ways over the years. He was a person I could trust to be honest, authentic, and to listen deeply. He could also be... by Maxima Kahn | Jul 13, 2022 | Creative Sparks, Dream Creation, Soulful Living
Follow your heart. We hear it said over and over. But how do you even know what your heart is saying? How do you know it’s your heart you are listening to and not some other aspect of yourself misguiding you? What if your heart is closed and you can’t hear it? A new... by Maxima Kahn | Jun 7, 2022 | Creative Sparks, Dream Creation, Soulful Living
To create the life of your dreams, you first have to know what your heart’s dreams are. You have to grant yourself permission to dream. In this post I offer you a gentle, guided journey to uncover your heart’s dreams and get connected to a sense of possibility....