Creative Sparks

Resting in the Gap

by | Jan 8, 2025 | Creative Sparks, Dream Creation, Soulful Living

Here in the Northern hemisphere, we have entered the darkest, coldest time of year.

Though the light begins to return with the turning point of the Winter Solstice, we are still very much in the sacred dark. The fertile void.

We have passed the blur of the holidays with their unique challenges and joys.

With the advent of New Year’s day, many feel pressured to just barrel right into setting goals and leaping into action.

But our bodies, hearts, and souls long for rest. And soulful dreaming.

deep rest and replenishment

by Erik-Jan Leusink on Unsplash

If we are to move with the rhythms of nature and honor ourselves, this is a time for introspection. Hibernation. Taking it slow.

January is for Resting in the Gap

I believe that the whole month of January, at least in the Northern climes, should be a time for Resting in the Gap.

We complete the harvest of the old year, if we haven’t already. We rest. And we tune into what wants to be birthed through us in the coming year.

What tugs at you? What calls to you? What inspires you? What do you long for or need?

Give yourself space and time to answer these questions. To name your heart’s desires for the year ahead in a way that lights you up.

Take the whole month to tune into the dreaming of the new year coming through you. To come to heart-centered clarity and soulful dreams, goals, intentions, or guiding themes for your year ahead.

And to rest and replenish.

The New Year Begins Around February 1

Let your new year begin with the lunar new year and the ancient Celtic cross-quarter day of Imbolc, which was considered the very first beginnings of springtime. This year, lunar new year falls on January 29 and Imbolc is on February 1.

See how this feels in your body to give yourself the month of January to rest in the gap and tune into the dreaming of the year ahead.

first crocus of springtime

by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

And then, as February begins, you can step into inspired action, gently, the way the first crocus peek up from the snow.

When we move with the rhythms of nature, our life flows better and we feel better. We live in a culture that doesn’t honor this. I invite you to grant yourself this gift as best you can.

With love and blessings for your year ahead,


P.S. For more on my process of harvesting the old year and dreaming the new, you can read this:

P.P.S. On Thursday, January 23 from 11:00 – 12:30 pm PT I will offer a free webinar on Harvesting Your Creative Year. Sign up for my e-mail list to hear about that.

P.P.P.S. Last week I posted all about Awakening, non-duality, and our birthright of joy on my new Small Wonders project. You can read that for free. And then, consider joining us as a free or paid subscriber. Wonder-full things are happening over at Small Wonders. I’d love for you to be a part of that.

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