by Maxima Kahn | Oct 3, 2019 | Creative Sparks, Dream Creation, Soulful Living
Following your dreams is something you are called to do. Each of us is called to follow our heart’s dreams. Yet following your dreams is often approached in a totally wrong-headed way. A way that produces a great deal of suffering. Your dreams are here to lead...
by Maxima Kahn | May 9, 2018 | Creative Sparks, Dream Creation, Soulful Living
What Are dreams? Why Do They Matter? Each of us, like a flower or tree, is encoded with who we are meant to be, what we are here to give, our unique beauty and gifts. Each of us is encoded with dreams, desires, longings and visions that are here to lead us to the life...
by Maxima Kahn | Mar 13, 2018 | Creative Sparks
A simple but powerful exercise to help you hear your heart’s guidance. Your heart is here to guide you to your best life. Not the easiest, but the best. The fullest expression of you. The richest, most beautiful, rewarding life. Your heart has answers your mind...
by Maxima Kahn | Oct 11, 2017 | Creative Sparks
Fires, floods, earthquakes, violence, intolerance, divisiveness, greed. It’s easy to see our world is in upheaval. These are intense, challenging times. We are being called to return to heart. As a human race, we have been living in severe imbalance for so long...