At the start of each year, I speak about tuning into the dreaming of the year ahead, dreaming your year from heart and soul.
So that you can co-create an inspired, soulful, enriching trip around the sun. Not just blown about by the winds of habit and happenstance. But guided by deep vision, inspiration and heart.
It’s Never Too Late
I want you to know it’s not too late to do this. I often take all of January to complete this dreaming step-by-step.
A friend recently said to me, “But then you lose a whole month of the year!” That’s the old paradigm, in which time is scarce, and we have to rush and push to our goals. Where nothing is ever enough and we’re always behind. That’s not how I want to live.
Dreaming your year is a priceless process of listening to your own heart and to the heartsong of the world. Like anything worthwhile, that doesn’t want to be rushed.
Also, you can do it anytime. You could do it in July for the year ahead that starts from there.
How Do You Dream Your Year?
Tuning into the dreaming of the year: What does that look like, feel like?
Start by dropping the shoulds, have-tos, anxieties, dropping the constant craving demands of the small self, to open a vast space within.
Open to the fertile void, the womb of creation from which all life comes. The dark soil of earth which harbors already the seeds of new life waiting to push forth into the light and grow and blossom and bear fruit.
Get quiet and allow yourself to rest in the gap between the end of the old and the start of the new. Drop into that spacious dark in which the soul can fly free.
Listen patiently for the still small voice within. Not rushing to answers. Not trying to figure it out with the mind. Not trying to fill the void or control the process.
Listening, waiting, opening, feeling, resting, trusting, quiet, receptive.
Ask for vision. Put forth a prayer, an invitation for your heart and soul to speak, for Life itself to speak to you and call you forth. Express your willingness to be of service to something larger and wilder than your small self.
Ask for vision, open to receive.
Then, attend to any sensations, images, words, emotions, impressions that come. Take notes. You may also wish to dance or draw this vision.
Some Fertile Questions
- What are the seeds of this coming year that are already planted in me?
What is Life dreaming that desires to be born through me? - How do I most wish to feel?
- What do I desire to embody? How do I want to show up in my life?
- What is calling to my heart and soul? What needs or yearnings are calling to be filled?
- What would bring me the most delight, joy? What would inspire me most?
- What practices, passions, activities, adventures are calling to me?
Listen to the Deeper Currents
Tune into the deeper currents moving you. Listen to these more than to your fears, doubts, your sense of lack.
You’ll find your life begins to flow in beautiful, extraordinary ways. Support and miracles will appear. Not that there won’t also be challenges. These are part of the path of our heart.
This dreaming through you is the Tao, the way of life. When we align ourselves with the Tao, we feel a sense of flow. When we resist or ignore the Tao, we struggle, hit obstacles, often get sick or depressed.
Let yourself dream without rushing to any concern about the how of those dreams. (That will kill a dream that is trying to be born.) Simply let yourself envision the what, however it wants to come to you now, even if you have no idea how it could possibly come about.
Zooming In and Focusing
♥ Is there a word or theme of the year that beckons to you?
Rather than choosing from what your mind wants or thinks sounds good, be patient and let your word or theme arrive in its own time from your soul. This might take days or weeks.
Write your word or theme on an index card and post it where you will see it.
♥ Is there a Breakthrough Dream you want to name for this coming year?
A Breakthrough Dream is something that, if you focus on, complete or realize it this year, would make the biggest positive difference in your life. It is the one that most calls to you now, even if it also brings fear or doubt. (Fear and doubt are often a good sign. Just set these aside for now, if they arise, so that you can freely dream.)
Write your Breakthrough Dream on an index card too.
Put It Into Existence
Once you’ve allowed the vision of the year to come to you, it’s time to do some gentle mapping of the how, to put it into existence in time.
Name some steps you will take to support your dreams. Put some milestones in your year and/or schedule things in your calendar that are important to you.
Divide big dreams and desires into small steps and put them in time. Be willing to try things, to risk.
Be sure your dreams and desires are aligned with what matters most to you, what you most care about, what brings you joy. Because the “small stuff” fades. Life is not an endless self-improvement project, but a treasure to be lived fully and beautifully.
To read more of my posts about creating your year from inspired, heart-centered vision, check out:
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