In my Brilliant Playmates membership program, we begin each month with the new moon, creating new intentions, taking new steps toward our creativity and our big dreams for our lives, supported by my guided meditations and inspiring prompts and suggestions. We begin this month on Thursday, August 13 in the evening, in time for the new moon.
This month our theme is…
Exploring Pleasure and the Poetry of Our Lives
Discover how enhancing the pleasure in your life and your awareness of the poetic within us and all around us can give an inspired boost to your creativity, to your motivation to move towards your heart’s desires, and to your enjoyment of life.
It’s easy to forget to nurture this in the busyness of life, but neglecting pleasure and the poetic can take the passion and joy out of life, leaving us feeling creatively blocked and unable to move forward meaningfully toward our life’s dreams.
We’re going to rekindle this delightful aspect of our lives this month!
This month begins Thursday, August 13.
For just $27, you can join us this month and see for yourself the boost that this gives to your creativity and to your momentum towards creating the life you desire.
Try it for a month! Click here!
Who is it for?
You want to live a brilliant life, lit up by creativity, passion and joy.
- You want structure, support, do-able steps, and inspiring ideas, without a big commitment of time, energy or money.
- You want to be more creative, do what you love, and make time for fun and play, but it’s so easy to get sidetracked by a million other things.
- You want to be a part of a creative, inspiring community of like-minded souls, who are
doing wonderful things—and experience the sense of camaraderie, excitement, synchronicities and blessings that come with that.
- You want encouragement, support, guidance and gentle nudges to keep you on your true heart path, creating a life you love.
Welcome to the Brilliant Playmates!
Why Join?
Because you get all of the above, plus:
It’s ridiculously inexpensive, there’s zero commitment, it’s FUN and it works!
Give yourself what you need to thrive.